Be sure to attach page four and include the required doctor's stamp and the signatures at the bottom of the page.
To try out for any sport, you must register through Aktivate which can be found via the link below. Each student-athlete must complete a sports physical (EL2) from a medical doctor, as well as complete the EL3 consent form, verification of health insurance, and the sportsmanship contract. This is all to be done electronically. If you have more questions about submitting documents, please contact athletic trainer, Rachel Keene (keener@duvalschools.org).
Step 1: Click Aktivate Registration
Step 2: Fill out online forms
Step 3: Attach Physical (Must be the EL2 Form, not the DOH), Insurance, Birth Certificate, ect.
Note: Student-athlete will appear as "Pending" until the paperwork is verified from Athletic Director or Athletic Trainer, please be patient.
The following forms are required for any student-athlete wishing to participate and are due on the day of tryouts. These forms are good for 365 days and must be valid throughout the season, so we ask that the forms uploaded will not expire until the completion of the season. Participation will not be permitted without registration and completion of all required online forms!
1. Sports Physical - EL2 (print/bring to Dr. and upload, no other physical forms accepted)
2. Consent Form - EL3, online signatures with the 3 NFHS Courses completed
3. Insurance Verification, online signatures
4. Sportsmanship Contract, online signatures
5. Attach Copy of Birth Certificate
6. GA-4, Athletic Recruiting (Transfer Students Only) Print and hand to our athletic trainer or Coach Crider
7. EL 7 - Home Education Form
8. Non- Traditional Students - Students from High Schools without Athletics/Or a Particular Sport:
Home Education Student:
A home education student must complete and submit the EL2, EL3, GA4, EL7 and E7V. If the home education student has chosen a public school through the district’s controlled open enrollment procedures, he/she must also complete the EL14.
Charter School Student:
A charter school student must complete and submit the EL2, EL3 and GA4. If the charter school student has chosen a public school through the district’s controlled open enrollment procedures, he/she must also complete the EL14.
Special/Alternative School Student:
A special/alternative school student must complete and submit the EL2, EL3 and GA4.
Non-Member Private School Student:
A non-member private school student must complete and submit the EL2, EL3, GA4, EL12 and E12V.
FLVS Student:
A FLVS student must complete and submit the EL2, EL3 and GA4. If the FLVS student has chosen a public school through the district’s controlled open enrollment procedures, he/she must also complete the EL14.
Student From Another Public School Without a Particular Sport:
A traditional public school student must complete and submit the EL2, EL3 and GA4.
The forms should be uploaded to Aktivate, but the EL14 required for FLVS, Charter School, or Home School Students, must be emailed to Coach Crider at criderc@duvalschools.org. Coach Crider will then email the EL14 on your behalf to the School Choice office on the deadline so that they can process and complete it before the season begins. If you do not complete by the deadline (two weeks prior to tryouts), you must reach out to Ms. Thomas (thomasc7@duvalschools.org), and you may have to stop by the office in person to take care of it if you do not get a timely response. Address: 4037 Boulevard Center Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32207, (904) 390-2082.
To upload the forms, it will require you to take pictures of them and email them to yourself or scan them to your computer. Parents, don't stress! Send your student-athlete to room 702 and have them complete during lunch or before practice. Do not hesitate to contact the athletic director (criderc@duvalschools.org).
Eligibility Requirements
All freshmen are considered eligible to play until the first semester grades are published. For all other grading periods, a student must achieve an unweighted cumulative 2.0 GPA in the previous semester. Student-athletes must be in attendance at least half of the school day to be able to participate in activities that day. All student-athletes must complete all required forms before being placed on the roster.